Monday, November 21, 2011

Peer Teaching via Wikis

After watching a video about the Vail School District in Arizona about collaborative wikis I trully think this project is amazing. The basic project was to make materials available for the teachers within the school, then the city, the state and maybe more. So they developed a project called Beyond Texbook which allows teacher t have access to online material for their courses; links, power point presentation, lesson plans, etc. Beyond textbook is a tool for collaboration so teachers are able to help each other and also to make students feel that they are part of a bigger community (for example, the other kids in other schools learn the same thing as you are!).

As I mentioned, I think this kind of collborative work is totally fascinating! It is great to create lesson plans but it can ben better if we could share all of our ideas. In a way, we are all profesionnals so the material should be reliable. But if not, the collaborative work means to share our opinions and ideas and then, we would be able to correct what's not in this specific lesson plan. However, liked cited by Kovacic, Bubas & Zlatovic (2007): "the use of a wiki in ESP courses required careful planning and preparation, monitoring and modaratinf of students' work." Here it won't be about students, but about teachers. It is great to be part of this kind of collaborative work, but we need to be implicated because if we're not, well the project doesn't mean anything anymore!

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